Blackberry jvm error code & their description Part 2
PriorityMessageCount error:
The value returned by RimPriorityMessageCount is negative. It should always be greater than, or equal to, zero. This indicates an error in the operating system code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.
Non-idle event downtime error:
A problem was detected in the accumulation of JVM down time, which represents how long the JVM has been idle. This usually indicates an error in the device firmware or the JVM. This could also occur if the tick count rolls over after 400 or more days of device time.
Font engine error
An error was detected in the font engine system on the device. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.
Java Native Assertion Failure
An error was detected in the Java native code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.
Application manager threw an uncaught exception
The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and cannot continue execution.
Crypto initialization code failed
The initialization of the crypto system failed and the device cannot continue execution.
An attack on the key store has been detected
An attack has been detected and execution cannot continue.
Console process died
The application manager console process (usually the Ribbon) has died. This is likely due to an uncaught exception during execution.
Persistent Content Exception
An application tried to commit a plaintext object to the Persistent Store. This will only happen if Content Protection is on and a process tries to save something in the PersistentStore that is marked as plaintext. Since this exception was not handled, the persistent store is in a bad state. You should reset to roll back to the last good commit point.
Note: This is not a JVM erro; the JVM is simply diagnosing the problem. The eventlog contains information about the erroneous Java code.
Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
All processes exited The last Java process has terminated. There is nothing left to execute.
Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
PriorityMessageCount error:
The value returned by RimPriorityMessageCount is negative. It should always be greater than, or equal to, zero. This indicates an error in the operating system code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.
Non-idle event downtime error:
A problem was detected in the accumulation of JVM down time, which represents how long the JVM has been idle. This usually indicates an error in the device firmware or the JVM. This could also occur if the tick count rolls over after 400 or more days of device time.
Font engine error
An error was detected in the font engine system on the device. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.
Java Native Assertion Failure
An error was detected in the Java native code. Extract the current (post-reset) BUGDISP and EVENTLOG.
Application manager threw an uncaught exception
The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and cannot continue execution.
Crypto initialization code failed
The initialization of the crypto system failed and the device cannot continue execution.
An attack on the key store has been detected
An attack has been detected and execution cannot continue.
Console process died
The application manager console process (usually the Ribbon) has died. This is likely due to an uncaught exception during execution.
Persistent Content Exception
An application tried to commit a plaintext object to the Persistent Store. This will only happen if Content Protection is on and a process tries to save something in the PersistentStore that is marked as plaintext. Since this exception was not handled, the persistent store is in a bad state. You should reset to roll back to the last good commit point.
Note: This is not a JVM erro; the JVM is simply diagnosing the problem. The eventlog contains information about the erroneous Java code.
Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
All processes exited The last Java process has terminated. There is nothing left to execute.
Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
Internal Error This is an error return used internally in the VM. It should never be reported as a device error.
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