MeeGo IVI: “automobile” operating system

Posted by Admin | Labels: ,
The alliance Of meeGo, formed by the companies Of intel and Nokia, presented the operating system Of meeGo IVI 1.0. It is intended not for [smartfonov], [netbukov] or plane-tables, but for the automobile information-entertainment systems - In -Vehicle Of infotainment - in other words, of on-board computers. This platform selected for their automobiles such companies, as BMW, GM, Mitsubishi, Hyundai and number of others, they all are the members of association GENIVI. Because of MeeGo from on-board computers it will be possible to not simply obtain navigational information and information about the state of automobile systems, but also leave into the Internet, use [multimedia] and so on. Has already been located the video presentation Of meeGo IVI 1.0, although OS is not yet completely finished.

MeeGo IVI 1.0 is included:

* Nucleus of version 2.6.33
* Starting screen and the panel of starting and control of the applications
* Example of navigation ON (Navit)
* Example of program for the collection of number on Bluetooth (BT-HFP Of dialer)
* Interface for control of connection to the network
* Browser Of fennec on basis Qt for MeeGo of for IVI
* Packets of automobile open of source of projects for control of different functions


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