Blackberry Applications
Blackberry Applications :
amAze: 4.5 - OTA / Web (GPS Navigation, Search, Weather, etc.)
AOL Instant Messenger (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/IE Web Install (IM Works on AT&T!)
AutoLock: 0.5 - OTA / Web
AvantGo: 1.0.28 - OTA
Aerize Card Loader 2008: 1.2.0 - Web ($ Install apps to SD Card) 1.0.14 - OTA (NOT just a shortcut!)
BBCorrector : 1.2.2 - OTA/Web (Free Online Spell Check)
BBFileScout: 0.6.5 - OTA / Web (File Mgr, Zip, Edit)
BBGPSGolf: 1.0.15 - OTA/Web (Golf w/GPS)
BBLight: 1.95 - OTA/Web (Backlight/Ring-Vibrate)
BBNotePad: 1.1.2 - OTA/Web (Simple Text Editor)
BBWeather : 0.83 - OTA / Desktop / Source (WORKS AGAIN! New Enhancements!)
BeamBerry: 3.0.1 - OTA - Web ($ aka BeamSuite - Doc/PDF view/manage/print)
BeamReader: 1.0.5 - OTA / Web ($ PDF reader)
Beejive: 1.1.1 - OTA/Web (Formerly Jivetalk)
BeFTP: 2.2 - OTA - Web (Free for personal use)
BenchmarkMagic: 1.5 - OTA
Berry Bloglines: 1.0 - OTA/Web (RSS)
Berry Lookup: 1.0 - OTA - Web (Rev Ph Lookup)
BerryTorch: 1.0 - Web (Use your Berry as a flashlight) 2.0.0 - OTA (Web Search)
BerrySearch: 0.91 - OTA / Web (Front End for major Search Engines)
BerrySpeedy: 1.44 - OTA / Stats (Test BIS-B, TCP, and Wi-Fi speed)
BerryStore: 0.9.49 (Beta) - OTA/Web (Yet another App Store - but well done!)
BerryTunes: 2.5.14 - OTA ($ MP3/Radio/Podcast Player)
BerryUnitConverter: 1.6 - OTA/Info
Beyond411: 4.20.5 - OTA / Storm OTA / Web (formerly Berry 411 - Search w/GPS)
BlackBerry App World (RIM): - OTA / IE Web Install (RIM's own App Store)
BlackBerry Maps (RIM): 1.2.26 - OTA/IE Web Install - Desktop Install(w/GPS - AT&T? Use Desktop!)
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for IBM(R) Lotus(R) Sametime(R): 1.1.32 & 2.0.25 - WEB
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for Microsoft Office LCS 2005: & 2.0.25 - WEB (Other versions may be available directly from RIM)
BlackBerry Messenger (RIM): 1.0.94 - OTA/IE Web Install (PIN IM - OS 4.0 & 4.1 only)
BlackBerry Profile Switcher: 1.3 - OTA - Web ($)
BlackBerryWiki: 1.0.1 - OTA (Wikipedia Front End)
Blipsocial: 0.766 - OTA/Web (w/GPS)
BlockBerry: 5.6 - OTA / Info (Formerly Tetris. Delete older versions before installing version 5)
Bloomberg: - OTA/Web Info ($ Requires Bloomberg Anywhere subscription)
Bolt Browser: 0.94 - OTA (OTA via email)
BudLightParty08: 0.61 - Web (Party Games - OTA with registration)
BuzzMe: 0.0.34 - OTA / FAQ (Vibrate & Ring at the same time)
CaptureIt: 1.4 - OTA / Web (Screen Capture on BB)
Cellfire: 3.3 - Web (Mobile cupons for your BB - OTA via registration)
CellSpin: 1.3.2 - OTA/Web (Blog poster)
Clock: 0.9.96 - OTA / Web (aka World Clock)
CoinToss: 1.7.1 - OTA/Web (Make a decision!)
CompanionLink for Google: 3.0 - Web ($Sync w/Google Calendar)
Compass: 4.1 - OTA - Web (NOT GPS app)
Cortado Connect for 3.10.980.3 - Web (Registration required - access files & simple fax)
Cortado Save The Weekend: - OTA / Web (Delay outgoing email until business hours)
Countdown Timer: 1.0.6 - OTA/Web
Cram: 1.0 - OTA / Web ($ Scholastic Testing)
Dexrex: 2.0.9 - OTA (SMS archive service)
Digby: 2.0.1 - OTA (Shopping)
Dynoplex Office Products: OTA - Web ($Doc Mgmt, Spell, Off Line File Mgmt)
Earthcomber: 3.0.14 - OTA / Web (Location based search)
EasyButton: 1.05/1.04 - OTA/Web (Storm/Other)
EasyReach: - OTA/Web (Shopping)
eBuddy: 1.0 - OTA - Web (Multinetwork IM)
Empower BES MailBox: - OTA - Web ($ trial available)
Empower HTML Mail Viewer PRO: - OTA - Web ($ trial available)
Empower HTML Mail Viewer Standard: - OTA - Web ($ trial available)
Empower InstaSpell: 1.5.421.51 - OTA - Web ($ trial available)
EQO: 1.6.1 - SMS Web Registration / Web (IM NRFPT Free multi-network IM and more)
eTradeMobilePro : 1.1.4 - OTA / Web
Facebook (RIM): - OTA/Web
FeeFinder: 0.3.75 - OTA/Web (Calc Auto Pmt, Mortage, Tips)
FileManagerPro (Beta): - OTA / Web
Financial Times: 1.2.0 - OTA/Web ($ubscription required)
Flickr Uploader (RIM): 1.0.0 - OTA/Web
FlipSide: 1.19 - OTA - Web (Media Player)
FlyCast: 1.34 - OTA / Web (Internet Radio Player)
FMLife 0.6.0 - OTA/Web (See Home)
fotochatter: 0.9.9 - OTA (Quick Download - Code 2402)
FreeRange: 2.2.8 - OTA (RSS)
Future Shop: - OTA/Web (Shopping - Installs RIM's ECOE)
FXConverter: 1.0.12 - OTA/Web (Currency Exchange Rates - does not do conversion)
Games Trivia: 2.2.4 - OTA
GCalSync: 1.1.1 - OTA - Web
GeoTip: 0.0.1 - OTA/Web (Tip Calc)
Gmail: 2.0.6 - OTA
Godiva: 1.8.0 - OTA (For Chocoholics)
Google Maps : 3.0.2 - OTA (w/GPS and Cell Tower Locater, Street Views, Walking & Transit Directions w/NYC Subway!)
Google Mobile App: 3.3.38 - OTA (Search w/Find Me and Voice)
Google Mobile Updater : 2.1.4 - OTA (Sync, Search, Maps, Gmail, News, Reader, Docs, Picasa)
Google Search: 3.0.73 OTA
Google Sync: 0.5.13 - OTA (sync Google Calendar & Address Book)
Google Talk (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/Web (IM)
GPSed: 1.0 - OTA / Web (GPS)
GPSLogger: 0.4.2 - OTA/Web (Simple GPS Logger w/ KML and GPX Export)
GridMagic: - OTA / WEB (Free or $ Spreadsheet for BB!)
gWhiz Suite: 0.6.3 - OTA / Web (Click Terms and Conditions Link)
gCalc!: 0.6.3 (Graphing Calculator - Help)
gFlash+: 0.6.3 (Flash Cards - Help)
gRef: 0.6.3 (Reference Tables - Help)
Handango InHand: 3.5.0 - OTA - Web (App Store & Info)
Hebrew in Hand: 2.0 - OTA/Web ($)
Homes For Sale: 2.73 - Web (aka Smarter Agent - Real Estate Search w/GPS)
ICQ (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/IE Web Install (IM Works on AT&T!)
IHeartRadio: 1.0.000 - OTA / Web (750+ Radio Stations streamed to your BB!)
I Love BlackBerry: 0.9.32 - OTA/Web
IM+: 7.0 - OTA - Web (IM)
InstaGo: 2.0.65 - Web (Free IM - All networks & SMS?)
iStockManager: 0.8.1 - OTA/Web (Mobile trading application for TD AMERITRADE users)
ITookThisOnMyPhone: - OTA / Web
Infospace Findit! : 1.4.0 - OTA (Portal w/GPS)
Inside Xbox: 1.17 - OTA (Zumboi for Xbox)
iSkoot: - Web (OTA with registration - when it works!)
JBenchmark : 1.1.1 - OTA
JBenchmark 2 : 2.1.1 - OTA
JBenchmark Net : 1.0.4 - OTA
JBenchmark Pro : 1.0.18 - Web (Create custom Benchmark)
JConverter: 1.0.3 - Web (Free Unit Conversion)
JiveSlide: 0.964.1 - OTA (Pics)
JiveTalk : 1.0.5 - OTA (IM w/File Xfer)
JiveTalk Preview : 1.0.1 - OTA (IM w/File Xfer)
Jott: 1.1 - OTA / Web (Voice reply to email!)
KGB: 0.1.599 - OTA / Web (Search Engine. KGB = Knowledge Generation Bureau)
LexSpell: 2.1 - OTA (Nagware Offline spellchecker)
Live Search Beta: 2.0.3048.13898 - OTA (MS w/GPS)
LogicMail: 1.0.1 - OTA - Web (don't get the point, but...)
MapQuest 4 Mobile Beta: 1.8.1 - OTA / Web (Free - with My Places)
MaraTick: 1.1.5 - OTA/Web (Simple Lists - very nice!)
Market Explorer: 1.0.6 - OTA - Web (Stock Quotes, Charts, etc.)
Maufait: 1.0.8 - OTA (Portal)
MaxMem: 0.4 - OTA (Remove unneeded modules like PTT)
MemoryUp: 2.50 - OTA/Web (Trial=Quick Boost Only/$)
MicroSky: 3.1.2 - OTA (Mobile Planetarium)
MidpSSH: 1.7.3 - OTA - Web (SSH Client)
MiniMoni: 1.01.03 - OTA / Web (Traffic Monitor)
MindBerry: 1.0.91 - OTA/Web (Map Out Your Thoughts)
MissingLight: 1.0.1 - OTA/Web ($ Purple LED for missed calls)
MLBTracker: 0.85 - OTA/Web (Track your team)
Mobile Dead: - OTA/Web (MMTR Game)
Mobile File Manager: 2.5.36 - OTA / Web
Mobipocket Reader: - OTA (Free eBook reader - $ for Books)
Mortgage Calc: 3.0.1 - OTA/Web
mundu IM: 4.0.5 - Web ($11 Lifetime!)
MSN Messenger (RIM): 1.0.16 - OTA/IE Web Loader
MyAlarm: 2007.07.04 - Web
MyGirls: 1.0.0 - OTA (Quick Download - Code 57)
MySpace (RIM): - OTA/IE Web Loader
NeoReader: 1.01.1 - OTA (Camera devices only!)
Newsgator Go!: 2.2.7 - OTA - Web (RSS)
Nobex Radio Companion: - OTA / Web (Internet Radio player / Info)
nuTsie : 0.9.8 - Web ($ Stream Playlists)
OntoCalendar: 3.4.1 (beta 3.7.18) - OTA/Web (Create appt from email - also Beta 3.5.5)
Opera Mini 3: 3.1.2 - OTA
Opera Mini 4: 4.0 - OTA/Web
Opera Mini 4.1 Beta: 4.1 - Web
Pageonce: 2.0 - OTA / Web ( $$$ Consolidate your online life!)
Palringo: 0.79 - OTA / Web (IM NRFPT)
Pandora: 1.01 - OTA/Web
Pinger: 2.0 - Web (Voice@SMS - use Web link to get OTA)
PinStack IRC: 1.01 - OTA - Web
Pocket Express: 4.27.14 - OTA - Web (Portal)
Pongr: 0.6 - OTA / Web (Find lowest product price)
Poynt: - OTA / Web (aka MyPoynt)
QSMS: 0.1 - OTA / Web (Press 'Q' to Compose SMS)
QuickPull: 1.2.0 - Web (Reboots your BlackBerry)
QuickPull (BETA): 2.0.13 - Web (Reboots your BlackBerry)
Ramble: - OTA (AIM IM)
ReplyAllSMS: 1.98 - OTA / Web (aka 3Jam - threaded SMS and more)
reQall: 1.0.004 - OTA / Info (Reminders on *******s)
RHex: 1.0.4 - OTA/Web (RHex Game)
RideCharge: 5.3.36 - OTA/Web (Book/Pay Cab/Car Service from BB)
SameCell: 2.04 - OTA / Web (Search by Cell Location NRFPT)
SignalLoc: 1.0.1002 - OTA/Web (Cell Tower Locater)
ShoZu: 3.1.34 / 3.1.29 - OTA / Web (Yet another "social" / IM Network - Curve & Pearl only)
ShrinkIt: 1.0 - OTA / Web (Resize pics on your BB)
Skip: 1.2.0 - OTA (Travel)
Slacker Mobile for BlackBerry: 1.1.23 - OTA/Web (Radio)
Slifter: 1.8.0 - OTA / Web (Localized shopping search)
SMS2Desk: - OTA / Web (SMS <-> Email)
Soft Reset: 0.2 - OTA/Web
Speedtest: 0.1.81 - OTA/Web
Spot: 1.4.1 - OTA (GPS)
SpotJots: 1.01.00 - OTA / Web (w/GPS)
Stock Quote Viewer: 2.7 - OTA/Web
StockQuote : 2.3 - OTA (formerly Market Filters - Stock Analysys)
Sunclock: 1.03.26 - OTA/Web (World display of day/night)
SyncJe: 2.43 - OTA - Web (PIM Sync $)
TagReaderBB: 2.1.71 - OTA / Web (Microsoft Tag Reader)
Tellme: 1.69.5 - OTA / Web - OTA / Info
TinyTwitter: 2.2.9 - OTA / Web (Twitter IM Client)
TipBuddy: 1.0 - Web
Tip Master 2: 1.0.1 - OTA/Web
Traffic Cam: 2.12 (Varies?) - OTA Link via SMS (Live Traffice Web Cams on your BB - 10 Cities)
Trapster: 3.1.0 - OTA / Web (Speed Trap Detector)
TVGuide: 2.0.0 - OTA/Web-SMS
TwitterBerry: 0.8 - OTA (Twitter IM Client)
txtForward: - OTA / Web ($ Forwards incoming SMS messages to email address)
Twibble: 0.8.7 - OTA / Web (A location aware Twitter client)
TypePad: 1.0.34 - OTA/Web ($Blogging)
Umundo: 1.06 - OTA / Web (Multimedia Chat Add-In)
Unit Converter: 1.2.2 - OTA / Web / Wap (GetJar 5229)
Upvise : 2.1 - OTA / Web (Sync Web Contacts, Notes, RSS, Lists, Wiki, anything? with BB)
Visible Vote (OS 4.6+): 1.0 - OTA / Info (Great Political App!)
Visible Vote (Pre 4.6 OS): 1.0 - OTA / Info (Great Political App!)
Viigo: 2.2.82 - OTA - Web (RSS)
Viigo Project Tango Public Beta: 3.0.892 - OTA / Web (RSS Plus...)
VyMail: - OTA / Web (For YouMail)
(BlackBerry) Wallet (RIM): - OTA/Web
Weather: 1.01.18 - OTA/Web (yet another weather app)
WeatherBug Direct: - OTA - Web
WeatherEye: - OTA - Web - WAP (from The Weather Network)
WebMessenger: 2.7.0415 - Web (IM All Networks)
Web Shortcuts : 2.1.2 - OTA - Info
Where: 2.1 - OTA/Web (GPS Search NRFPT)
Whereboutz: 1.0.11 - OTA / Web
Whrrl: 7.0 - OTA / Web (NRFPT)
Windows Live Messenger (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/IE Web Install (IM Works on AT&T!)
wIPzard: 1.0 - OTA/Web (IP Calculator)
Wireless18: 2.4.13 - OTA / Web (Free. Registration required)
WorldMap: 1.1 - OTA / Web (Offline Political Map of the World)
WorldMate Live: 2.6.12 - OTA - Web (Itinerary)
WSJMobileReader: 1.1.4 - OTA (FreeRange News Reader for WSJ)
XBerry Live!: 5.5 - OTA / Web (Keep tabs on your XBox Live Buddies)
xPlayer: 1.0.1 - OTA / Web (Media Player)
xTemplate: - OTA / Web (Email Templates)
Yahoo! Go : 2.0.69 - OTA (Portal w/GPS)
Yahoo! Go : 3.0.47 - OTA - Web (Portal w/GPS)
Yahoo! Messenger (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/IE Web Install (IM Works on AT&T!)
Yahoo! oneSearch: 1.1.9879 - OTAWeb-SMS (Voice Search) Mobile: 1.0.6 - OTA - Web - WAP (Business Search)
YouAreHere: 0.9.0 - OTA/Web (Add GPS Location to Sig)
YouMail: 0.93.16 - OTA / Web (NRFPT)
YWeather: 0.4.1 - OTA/Web
Zagat: 5.1.1 - OTA / Web ($ - Registration required)
ZINK Mobile Extras: n/a - Web (Photo editing by email!?)
Zumobi: 1.0 - OTA / Web (RSS and more NRFPT)
Special Lenovo/Olympic Version: 1.0 - OTA
ABCNews: 1.0 - OTA/WAP / Web
Bank of America: 4.2.2 - OTA / WAP / Web
BBerryOne: 0.6 - Web (Portal to WAP sites)
BlueRoom Solution: 1.0 - OTA
Buzzd: 1.1.1 (Local partying)
CalorieCountFoodSearch: 1.0 - OTA (to Calorie Counter Database WAP site below)
CBS News Mobile: 4.2 - OTA
CNBC: 1.1.42 - OTA / Wap
CNN: 1.42.1 - OTA / WAP 1.42.2 - OTA
ESPN Mobile Web: 1.2 - OTA
Fox Mobile: 1.0 - OTA
GetJar Apps: 1.1.0 - OTA / Web (Quick Download 33105)
MLB Icon : 1.0 - OTA (For Individual Teams too!)
New York Times: 1.0 - OTA
PinStack Launcher: 3.1 - OTA
SI (Sports Illustrated): 1.42.0 - OTA
TPLaunch: 0.0 - OTA (NYC Subway Trip Planner)
USA Today: 1.36.1 - OTA / Wap
Wall Street Journal: 1.0 - OTA
WAP Sites:
B4U Drink (Blood Alcohol Level Estimator)
BlackBerry Sports Line (Sports Betting Ods)
Boston MBTA
CAT Scale Mobile (Truck Scale Locator)
Calorie Counter Database (from
CBS Mobile News
CNN Mobile
CNN Mobile (High Res - Homescreen shortcut available)
Domino's Pizza (requires registration at Web site) (Mixology)
eVite (Mobile eVite)
FBI Most Wanted Lists
Fidelity Investments (Shortcut icon available)
GetJar (Tons of programs - Web - Quick Download)
Google WAP (WAP Services Home Page)
Gym Technik (WEB and WAP - Track your workout NRFPT)
KeyToss (Customizable Wap Portal)
HopStop (Register on WEB site and build Address Book) (Kid Friendly stuff)
KGB (Search Engine. KGB = Knowledge Generation Bureau)
Los Angeles MTA
Linux Journal (Mixology)
Mobile Train Schedule (LIRR, New Jersey Transit, Metro North only)
nciku mobile (Chinese-English Mobile Dictionary/Translation)
New Jersey Transit
New York Times
NY MTA (Regional Rail Info)
Phoenix AZ Valley Metro
PicoWiki (Create a Mobile Wiki)
QuickBooks (Online for the BlackBerry)
Slifter (Localized shopping search)
Tokyo & Japan Train Schedules
Trip Planner (NYC Subway)
Usablenet Mobile (Portal to WAP sites)
WaMu Mobile banking
Washington DC MTA
Weight Watchers Mobile
Yahoo! Fantasy ******** (view and save Videos from the web)
BlackBerry Mobile Site (RIM)
BlackBerry Free Games (RIM)
BlackBerry Instant Messaging (RIM - Scans your BB to get all IM clients available)
BlackBerry Push Services (RIM)
BlackBerry Solutions Catalog (RIM)
amAze: 4.5 - OTA / Web (GPS Navigation, Search, Weather, etc.)
AOL Instant Messenger (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/IE Web Install (IM Works on AT&T!)
AutoLock: 0.5 - OTA / Web
AvantGo: 1.0.28 - OTA
Aerize Card Loader 2008: 1.2.0 - Web ($ Install apps to SD Card) 1.0.14 - OTA (NOT just a shortcut!)
BBCorrector : 1.2.2 - OTA/Web (Free Online Spell Check)
BBFileScout: 0.6.5 - OTA / Web (File Mgr, Zip, Edit)
BBGPSGolf: 1.0.15 - OTA/Web (Golf w/GPS)
BBLight: 1.95 - OTA/Web (Backlight/Ring-Vibrate)
BBNotePad: 1.1.2 - OTA/Web (Simple Text Editor)
BBWeather : 0.83 - OTA / Desktop / Source (WORKS AGAIN! New Enhancements!)
BeamBerry: 3.0.1 - OTA - Web ($ aka BeamSuite - Doc/PDF view/manage/print)
BeamReader: 1.0.5 - OTA / Web ($ PDF reader)
Beejive: 1.1.1 - OTA/Web (Formerly Jivetalk)
BeFTP: 2.2 - OTA - Web (Free for personal use)
BenchmarkMagic: 1.5 - OTA
Berry Bloglines: 1.0 - OTA/Web (RSS)
Berry Lookup: 1.0 - OTA - Web (Rev Ph Lookup)
BerryTorch: 1.0 - Web (Use your Berry as a flashlight) 2.0.0 - OTA (Web Search)
BerrySearch: 0.91 - OTA / Web (Front End for major Search Engines)
BerrySpeedy: 1.44 - OTA / Stats (Test BIS-B, TCP, and Wi-Fi speed)
BerryStore: 0.9.49 (Beta) - OTA/Web (Yet another App Store - but well done!)
BerryTunes: 2.5.14 - OTA ($ MP3/Radio/Podcast Player)
BerryUnitConverter: 1.6 - OTA/Info
Beyond411: 4.20.5 - OTA / Storm OTA / Web (formerly Berry 411 - Search w/GPS)
BlackBerry App World (RIM): - OTA / IE Web Install (RIM's own App Store)
BlackBerry Maps (RIM): 1.2.26 - OTA/IE Web Install - Desktop Install(w/GPS - AT&T? Use Desktop!)
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for IBM(R) Lotus(R) Sametime(R): 1.1.32 & 2.0.25 - WEB
BlackBerry Instant Messaging for Microsoft Office LCS 2005: & 2.0.25 - WEB (Other versions may be available directly from RIM)
BlackBerry Messenger (RIM): 1.0.94 - OTA/IE Web Install (PIN IM - OS 4.0 & 4.1 only)
BlackBerry Profile Switcher: 1.3 - OTA - Web ($)
BlackBerryWiki: 1.0.1 - OTA (Wikipedia Front End)
Blipsocial: 0.766 - OTA/Web (w/GPS)
BlockBerry: 5.6 - OTA / Info (Formerly Tetris. Delete older versions before installing version 5)
Bloomberg: - OTA/Web Info ($ Requires Bloomberg Anywhere subscription)
Bolt Browser: 0.94 - OTA (OTA via email)
BudLightParty08: 0.61 - Web (Party Games - OTA with registration)
BuzzMe: 0.0.34 - OTA / FAQ (Vibrate & Ring at the same time)
CaptureIt: 1.4 - OTA / Web (Screen Capture on BB)
Cellfire: 3.3 - Web (Mobile cupons for your BB - OTA via registration)
CellSpin: 1.3.2 - OTA/Web (Blog poster)
Clock: 0.9.96 - OTA / Web (aka World Clock)
CoinToss: 1.7.1 - OTA/Web (Make a decision!)
CompanionLink for Google: 3.0 - Web ($Sync w/Google Calendar)
Compass: 4.1 - OTA - Web (NOT GPS app)
Cortado Connect for 3.10.980.3 - Web (Registration required - access files & simple fax)
Cortado Save The Weekend: - OTA / Web (Delay outgoing email until business hours)
Countdown Timer: 1.0.6 - OTA/Web
Cram: 1.0 - OTA / Web ($ Scholastic Testing)
Dexrex: 2.0.9 - OTA (SMS archive service)
Digby: 2.0.1 - OTA (Shopping)
Dynoplex Office Products: OTA - Web ($Doc Mgmt, Spell, Off Line File Mgmt)
Earthcomber: 3.0.14 - OTA / Web (Location based search)
EasyButton: 1.05/1.04 - OTA/Web (Storm/Other)
EasyReach: - OTA/Web (Shopping)
eBuddy: 1.0 - OTA - Web (Multinetwork IM)
Empower BES MailBox: - OTA - Web ($ trial available)
Empower HTML Mail Viewer PRO: - OTA - Web ($ trial available)
Empower HTML Mail Viewer Standard: - OTA - Web ($ trial available)
Empower InstaSpell: 1.5.421.51 - OTA - Web ($ trial available)
EQO: 1.6.1 - SMS Web Registration / Web (IM NRFPT Free multi-network IM and more)
eTradeMobilePro : 1.1.4 - OTA / Web
Facebook (RIM): - OTA/Web
FeeFinder: 0.3.75 - OTA/Web (Calc Auto Pmt, Mortage, Tips)
FileManagerPro (Beta): - OTA / Web
Financial Times: 1.2.0 - OTA/Web ($ubscription required)
Flickr Uploader (RIM): 1.0.0 - OTA/Web
FlipSide: 1.19 - OTA - Web (Media Player)
FlyCast: 1.34 - OTA / Web (Internet Radio Player)
FMLife 0.6.0 - OTA/Web (See Home)
fotochatter: 0.9.9 - OTA (Quick Download - Code 2402)
FreeRange: 2.2.8 - OTA (RSS)
Future Shop: - OTA/Web (Shopping - Installs RIM's ECOE)
FXConverter: 1.0.12 - OTA/Web (Currency Exchange Rates - does not do conversion)
Games Trivia: 2.2.4 - OTA
GCalSync: 1.1.1 - OTA - Web
GeoTip: 0.0.1 - OTA/Web (Tip Calc)
Gmail: 2.0.6 - OTA
Godiva: 1.8.0 - OTA (For Chocoholics)
Google Maps : 3.0.2 - OTA (w/GPS and Cell Tower Locater, Street Views, Walking & Transit Directions w/NYC Subway!)
Google Mobile App: 3.3.38 - OTA (Search w/Find Me and Voice)
Google Mobile Updater : 2.1.4 - OTA (Sync, Search, Maps, Gmail, News, Reader, Docs, Picasa)
Google Search: 3.0.73 OTA
Google Sync: 0.5.13 - OTA (sync Google Calendar & Address Book)
Google Talk (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/Web (IM)
GPSed: 1.0 - OTA / Web (GPS)
GPSLogger: 0.4.2 - OTA/Web (Simple GPS Logger w/ KML and GPX Export)
GridMagic: - OTA / WEB (Free or $ Spreadsheet for BB!)
gWhiz Suite: 0.6.3 - OTA / Web (Click Terms and Conditions Link)
gCalc!: 0.6.3 (Graphing Calculator - Help)
gFlash+: 0.6.3 (Flash Cards - Help)
gRef: 0.6.3 (Reference Tables - Help)
Handango InHand: 3.5.0 - OTA - Web (App Store & Info)
Hebrew in Hand: 2.0 - OTA/Web ($)
Homes For Sale: 2.73 - Web (aka Smarter Agent - Real Estate Search w/GPS)
ICQ (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/IE Web Install (IM Works on AT&T!)
IHeartRadio: 1.0.000 - OTA / Web (750+ Radio Stations streamed to your BB!)
I Love BlackBerry: 0.9.32 - OTA/Web
IM+: 7.0 - OTA - Web (IM)
InstaGo: 2.0.65 - Web (Free IM - All networks & SMS?)
iStockManager: 0.8.1 - OTA/Web (Mobile trading application for TD AMERITRADE users)
ITookThisOnMyPhone: - OTA / Web
Infospace Findit! : 1.4.0 - OTA (Portal w/GPS)
Inside Xbox: 1.17 - OTA (Zumboi for Xbox)
iSkoot: - Web (OTA with registration - when it works!)
JBenchmark : 1.1.1 - OTA
JBenchmark 2 : 2.1.1 - OTA
JBenchmark Net : 1.0.4 - OTA
JBenchmark Pro : 1.0.18 - Web (Create custom Benchmark)
JConverter: 1.0.3 - Web (Free Unit Conversion)
JiveSlide: 0.964.1 - OTA (Pics)
JiveTalk : 1.0.5 - OTA (IM w/File Xfer)
JiveTalk Preview : 1.0.1 - OTA (IM w/File Xfer)
Jott: 1.1 - OTA / Web (Voice reply to email!)
KGB: 0.1.599 - OTA / Web (Search Engine. KGB = Knowledge Generation Bureau)
LexSpell: 2.1 - OTA (Nagware Offline spellchecker)
Live Search Beta: 2.0.3048.13898 - OTA (MS w/GPS)
LogicMail: 1.0.1 - OTA - Web (don't get the point, but...)
MapQuest 4 Mobile Beta: 1.8.1 - OTA / Web (Free - with My Places)
MaraTick: 1.1.5 - OTA/Web (Simple Lists - very nice!)
Market Explorer: 1.0.6 - OTA - Web (Stock Quotes, Charts, etc.)
Maufait: 1.0.8 - OTA (Portal)
MaxMem: 0.4 - OTA (Remove unneeded modules like PTT)
MemoryUp: 2.50 - OTA/Web (Trial=Quick Boost Only/$)
MicroSky: 3.1.2 - OTA (Mobile Planetarium)
MidpSSH: 1.7.3 - OTA - Web (SSH Client)
MiniMoni: 1.01.03 - OTA / Web (Traffic Monitor)
MindBerry: 1.0.91 - OTA/Web (Map Out Your Thoughts)
MissingLight: 1.0.1 - OTA/Web ($ Purple LED for missed calls)
MLBTracker: 0.85 - OTA/Web (Track your team)
Mobile Dead: - OTA/Web (MMTR Game)
Mobile File Manager: 2.5.36 - OTA / Web
Mobipocket Reader: - OTA (Free eBook reader - $ for Books)
Mortgage Calc: 3.0.1 - OTA/Web
mundu IM: 4.0.5 - Web ($11 Lifetime!)
MSN Messenger (RIM): 1.0.16 - OTA/IE Web Loader
MyAlarm: 2007.07.04 - Web
MyGirls: 1.0.0 - OTA (Quick Download - Code 57)
MySpace (RIM): - OTA/IE Web Loader
NeoReader: 1.01.1 - OTA (Camera devices only!)
Newsgator Go!: 2.2.7 - OTA - Web (RSS)
Nobex Radio Companion: - OTA / Web (Internet Radio player / Info)
nuTsie : 0.9.8 - Web ($ Stream Playlists)
OntoCalendar: 3.4.1 (beta 3.7.18) - OTA/Web (Create appt from email - also Beta 3.5.5)
Opera Mini 3: 3.1.2 - OTA
Opera Mini 4: 4.0 - OTA/Web
Opera Mini 4.1 Beta: 4.1 - Web
Pageonce: 2.0 - OTA / Web ( $$$ Consolidate your online life!)
Palringo: 0.79 - OTA / Web (IM NRFPT)
Pandora: 1.01 - OTA/Web
Pinger: 2.0 - Web (Voice@SMS - use Web link to get OTA)
PinStack IRC: 1.01 - OTA - Web
Pocket Express: 4.27.14 - OTA - Web (Portal)
Pongr: 0.6 - OTA / Web (Find lowest product price)
Poynt: - OTA / Web (aka MyPoynt)
QSMS: 0.1 - OTA / Web (Press 'Q' to Compose SMS)
QuickPull: 1.2.0 - Web (Reboots your BlackBerry)
QuickPull (BETA): 2.0.13 - Web (Reboots your BlackBerry)
Ramble: - OTA (AIM IM)
ReplyAllSMS: 1.98 - OTA / Web (aka 3Jam - threaded SMS and more)
reQall: 1.0.004 - OTA / Info (Reminders on *******s)
RHex: 1.0.4 - OTA/Web (RHex Game)
RideCharge: 5.3.36 - OTA/Web (Book/Pay Cab/Car Service from BB)
SameCell: 2.04 - OTA / Web (Search by Cell Location NRFPT)
SignalLoc: 1.0.1002 - OTA/Web (Cell Tower Locater)
ShoZu: 3.1.34 / 3.1.29 - OTA / Web (Yet another "social" / IM Network - Curve & Pearl only)
ShrinkIt: 1.0 - OTA / Web (Resize pics on your BB)
Skip: 1.2.0 - OTA (Travel)
Slacker Mobile for BlackBerry: 1.1.23 - OTA/Web (Radio)
Slifter: 1.8.0 - OTA / Web (Localized shopping search)
SMS2Desk: - OTA / Web (SMS <-> Email)
Soft Reset: 0.2 - OTA/Web
Speedtest: 0.1.81 - OTA/Web
Spot: 1.4.1 - OTA (GPS)
SpotJots: 1.01.00 - OTA / Web (w/GPS)
Stock Quote Viewer: 2.7 - OTA/Web
StockQuote : 2.3 - OTA (formerly Market Filters - Stock Analysys)
Sunclock: 1.03.26 - OTA/Web (World display of day/night)
SyncJe: 2.43 - OTA - Web (PIM Sync $)
TagReaderBB: 2.1.71 - OTA / Web (Microsoft Tag Reader)
Tellme: 1.69.5 - OTA / Web - OTA / Info
TinyTwitter: 2.2.9 - OTA / Web (Twitter IM Client)
TipBuddy: 1.0 - Web
Tip Master 2: 1.0.1 - OTA/Web
Traffic Cam: 2.12 (Varies?) - OTA Link via SMS (Live Traffice Web Cams on your BB - 10 Cities)
Trapster: 3.1.0 - OTA / Web (Speed Trap Detector)
TVGuide: 2.0.0 - OTA/Web-SMS
TwitterBerry: 0.8 - OTA (Twitter IM Client)
txtForward: - OTA / Web ($ Forwards incoming SMS messages to email address)
Twibble: 0.8.7 - OTA / Web (A location aware Twitter client)
TypePad: 1.0.34 - OTA/Web ($Blogging)
Umundo: 1.06 - OTA / Web (Multimedia Chat Add-In)
Unit Converter: 1.2.2 - OTA / Web / Wap (GetJar 5229)
Upvise : 2.1 - OTA / Web (Sync Web Contacts, Notes, RSS, Lists, Wiki, anything? with BB)
Visible Vote (OS 4.6+): 1.0 - OTA / Info (Great Political App!)
Visible Vote (Pre 4.6 OS): 1.0 - OTA / Info (Great Political App!)
Viigo: 2.2.82 - OTA - Web (RSS)
Viigo Project Tango Public Beta: 3.0.892 - OTA / Web (RSS Plus...)
VyMail: - OTA / Web (For YouMail)
(BlackBerry) Wallet (RIM): - OTA/Web
Weather: 1.01.18 - OTA/Web (yet another weather app)
WeatherBug Direct: - OTA - Web
WeatherEye: - OTA - Web - WAP (from The Weather Network)
WebMessenger: 2.7.0415 - Web (IM All Networks)
Web Shortcuts : 2.1.2 - OTA - Info
Where: 2.1 - OTA/Web (GPS Search NRFPT)
Whereboutz: 1.0.11 - OTA / Web
Whrrl: 7.0 - OTA / Web (NRFPT)
Windows Live Messenger (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/IE Web Install (IM Works on AT&T!)
wIPzard: 1.0 - OTA/Web (IP Calculator)
Wireless18: 2.4.13 - OTA / Web (Free. Registration required)
WorldMap: 1.1 - OTA / Web (Offline Political Map of the World)
WorldMate Live: 2.6.12 - OTA - Web (Itinerary)
WSJMobileReader: 1.1.4 - OTA (FreeRange News Reader for WSJ)
XBerry Live!: 5.5 - OTA / Web (Keep tabs on your XBox Live Buddies)
xPlayer: 1.0.1 - OTA / Web (Media Player)
xTemplate: - OTA / Web (Email Templates)
Yahoo! Go : 2.0.69 - OTA (Portal w/GPS)
Yahoo! Go : 3.0.47 - OTA - Web (Portal w/GPS)
Yahoo! Messenger (RIM): 2.1.45 - OTA/IE Web Install (IM Works on AT&T!)
Yahoo! oneSearch: 1.1.9879 - OTAWeb-SMS (Voice Search) Mobile: 1.0.6 - OTA - Web - WAP (Business Search)
YouAreHere: 0.9.0 - OTA/Web (Add GPS Location to Sig)
YouMail: 0.93.16 - OTA / Web (NRFPT)
YWeather: 0.4.1 - OTA/Web
Zagat: 5.1.1 - OTA / Web ($ - Registration required)
ZINK Mobile Extras: n/a - Web (Photo editing by email!?)
Zumobi: 1.0 - OTA / Web (RSS and more NRFPT)
Special Lenovo/Olympic Version: 1.0 - OTA
ABCNews: 1.0 - OTA/WAP / Web
Bank of America: 4.2.2 - OTA / WAP / Web
BBerryOne: 0.6 - Web (Portal to WAP sites)
BlueRoom Solution: 1.0 - OTA
Buzzd: 1.1.1 (Local partying)
CalorieCountFoodSearch: 1.0 - OTA (to Calorie Counter Database WAP site below)
CBS News Mobile: 4.2 - OTA
CNBC: 1.1.42 - OTA / Wap
CNN: 1.42.1 - OTA / WAP 1.42.2 - OTA
ESPN Mobile Web: 1.2 - OTA
Fox Mobile: 1.0 - OTA
GetJar Apps: 1.1.0 - OTA / Web (Quick Download 33105)
MLB Icon : 1.0 - OTA (For Individual Teams too!)
New York Times: 1.0 - OTA
PinStack Launcher: 3.1 - OTA
SI (Sports Illustrated): 1.42.0 - OTA
TPLaunch: 0.0 - OTA (NYC Subway Trip Planner)
USA Today: 1.36.1 - OTA / Wap
Wall Street Journal: 1.0 - OTA
WAP Sites:
B4U Drink (Blood Alcohol Level Estimator)
BlackBerry Sports Line (Sports Betting Ods)
Boston MBTA
CAT Scale Mobile (Truck Scale Locator)
Calorie Counter Database (from
CBS Mobile News
CNN Mobile
CNN Mobile (High Res - Homescreen shortcut available)
Domino's Pizza (requires registration at Web site) (Mixology)
eVite (Mobile eVite)
FBI Most Wanted Lists
Fidelity Investments (Shortcut icon available)
GetJar (Tons of programs - Web - Quick Download)
Google WAP (WAP Services Home Page)
Gym Technik (WEB and WAP - Track your workout NRFPT)
KeyToss (Customizable Wap Portal)
HopStop (Register on WEB site and build Address Book) (Kid Friendly stuff)
KGB (Search Engine. KGB = Knowledge Generation Bureau)
Los Angeles MTA
Linux Journal (Mixology)
Mobile Train Schedule (LIRR, New Jersey Transit, Metro North only)
nciku mobile (Chinese-English Mobile Dictionary/Translation)
New Jersey Transit
New York Times
NY MTA (Regional Rail Info)
Phoenix AZ Valley Metro
PicoWiki (Create a Mobile Wiki)
QuickBooks (Online for the BlackBerry)
Slifter (Localized shopping search)
Tokyo & Japan Train Schedules
Trip Planner (NYC Subway)
Usablenet Mobile (Portal to WAP sites)
WaMu Mobile banking
Washington DC MTA
Weight Watchers Mobile
Yahoo! Fantasy ******** (view and save Videos from the web)
BlackBerry Mobile Site (RIM)
BlackBerry Free Games (RIM)
BlackBerry Instant Messaging (RIM - Scans your BB to get all IM clients available)
BlackBerry Push Services (RIM)
BlackBerry Solutions Catalog (RIM)
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